Monday, May 26, 2008

In Bloom Today In The Garden Brae

In Bloom Today In The Garden Brae - Lilacs

Come and smell the lilacs with Oberon

Syringa (Lilacs)
Syringa stems (pun intended) from the Greek word 'syrinx' meaning tube or hollow pipe

Greek legend has it that a nymph named Syrinx was chased by the god Pan
Naughty Pan turned Syrinx into a reed from which he made his very first flute (Pan-pipes)
Lilacs are a very hardy ornamental woody shrub
with colourful, fragrant flowers that bloom here in the merry month of May
Are lilacs old fashioned? Maybe. I love them because my mom loved them for their fragrance. They reminded her of her childhood in Dublin, Ireland.
There was a house down the street from me as a child that had rows of lilacs over flowing along a picket fence onto the sidewalk. My mom would take my hand to cross the street just to walk by them and smell them on the way to the bus stop.
I was young but I could tell she was homesick for Eire

It was the 60's in Victoria and lots of moms took buses and walked instead of driving...
but I digress.
Fragrance does that to you - it triggers memories

Thanks for walking through the lilacs at the Garden Brae with me.


chey said...

Greetings from the East Coast! Lucky you to live in BC:). Your pictures are absolutely beautiful.Love how you've captured your little dog in the background. What type of camera are you using?

Barbee' said...

I found you on Blotanica and came over for a visit.

Your lilac photos are beautiful. They are my favorite shrub. I enjoyed looking at yours and I can almost smell the perfume.

West Coast Island Gardener said...

Hello Chey,

For the lilac shots I used a Cannon PowerShot SD750, on manual setting, 1/500 shutter speed, 2.8 aperature. It is a handy digital camera, but I would really love to get an older manual camera and learn the classic way to take photos.

Thanks for visting The Garden Brae.


Anonymous said...

Your lilac shots with your blue merle are fabulous. The scent of lilacs sure does trigger memories for everyone of bygone days. See my post with my memories at
Cheers. Good Acres

chey said...

Thanks so much for sharing your camera info Shauna:)! I am in awe of your photos. Cheers!

Unknown said...

Hi Shauna, i visited your blog for the first and was bowled over by your beautiful pictures! I'll surely be back!

West Coast Island Gardener said...

Hello Kanak,

Thanks for travelling to my garden blog. It was very exotic to step into your beautiul part of the world in India through the eyes of your garden blog, too.