If you see your name, the words "sex" or "free" you are compelled to stay and read a blog. This is according to a study about Internet readers' eye movements I read in a magazine at the Dentist's office. I guess it worked because it caught my eye (but only after the "Eat Chocolate To Lose 20lbs by Christmas" headline).

Scorched BeautyI don't know about you, BUT, if I saw my name with the words free sex printed anywhere I would be alarmed; change my name to Mary; RUN not walk to hide at the nearest nunnery (which is actually within convenient running distance from The Garden Brae). However, it got me to thinking about the adage 'sex sells" and if that concept is applied to the garden business?

Early Garden Brae Header PrototypeTo that end I created a titillating innuendo banner for The Garden Brae, but it made me uncomfortable .
..Right, said Fred, "My [banner 's] too sexy for my [blog] too sexy for my [blog] So sexy it hurts "...
So, instead, I went with the I'm- a -fairy -in -my -garden tongue in cheek thing instead, which I am still not completely comfortable with. I really wanted a banner of sophisticated, minimalist chic - but the frou-frou kept creeping back in to it. Just couldn't make the sleek and chic happen for some reason.
Arbutus are beautiful, sensual, trees. Inflamed, fiery red curves jutting out of smooth pale skin
Flowing, abundant auburn curls that coil away to reveal beautiful, cool skin begging to be touched

Oberon in the Arbutus GroveMysterious bulges and crevices. Contours covered in rough and ragged bark that peels to reveal a softly curved limb (
Diana Gabaldon eat your heart out)

Arbutus shed their leaves in summer and their bark in autumnSome people don't like having to rake up after the Arbutus. Too bad for them because in many districts the trees and saplings are protected by law from being cut down. Arbutus is the only native broadleaved evergreen tree in Canada. It is restricted to a narrow band along the south coast near the ocean. They are often found on exposed rocky bluffs overlooking the ocean. The Pacific Madrone (Arbutus menziesii), is a species of arbutus found on the west coast of North America and primarily in British Columbia on Vancouver Island.
Oh yeah who are Michael and Susan? Maybe they are you right now because they are amongst the most popular baby-boomer names in North America and you saw your names and read this post? Then, hey, that magazine article was right after all! If so, where did my husband hide the Halloween chocolate ... I am on my way to losing 20lbs by Christmas.

ETA (Edited To Add) 22OCT2008: Bred from the bosom of a demure mamma I posted this blog with a blush and a hesitant finger. It is reassuringly wonderous fine to receive such great comments of smarts, fun and wit including that of Kanak Hagjer of Assam India aka Terra Farmer who wrote...
"Ooo...the Bodice Ripper--the Stripper!
Methinks that I shall never see,
An image as sexy as your bodilicious tree!
Loved the various stages of undress--shedding, peeling, revealing...What a naughty, delightful post!"
October 21, 2008 4:39 AM